BIP | A Timeline of Murders and Deaths at Fort Bragg


Update as of January 2025

What's happening at Fort Bragg?

In August 2021, Rolling Stone published an article about the 44 Fort Bragg soldiers who died stateside between 2020 and 2021 (We now know that the number was closer to 100). Several of these deaths were homicides, and some were incredibly violent - one soldier was decapitated. In 2022, Rolling Stone followed up with another article about overdoses at Fort Bragg. I highly recommend reading both of these articles, but the tldr is that many of these deaths are related to Fort Bragg soldiers engaging in drug trafficking, drug dealing, and from overdoses.

What is Fort Bragg?

Some basic facts to lay the groundwork:

Fort Bragg Timeline

Click the >> for the related news article for each entry.